20th Dec 2014
Solargain – A Year In Review
Can you believe it? 2014 is almost over and what a year it’s been. As the year comes to an exciting climax, there’s no better time to reflect on the achievements of the last twelve months. But first, we’d like to thank each and every one of our customers – you’ve all played a huge role in spreading the sunny word about solar throughout Australia. With your help, Solargain has now completed over 38,700 solar power installations – a figure we’re so proud of (as you should be too!). Speaking of spreading the word, Solargain has also spread its wings, establishing a shiny new Network Distribution
11th Dec 2014
The Latest In Sustainable Technologies
New and exciting sustainable technologies are popping up every day – and that’s great! So, what can you expect to be making the headlines in the not too distant future? Join us in taking a glimpse into our mystical eight ball as we shed some light on two of planet earth’s most promising upcoming gizmos. Plug and Play PV system The clever bunch at The Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems (CSE) have come up with this one and it’s sure to change the way solar panels are installed going forward. Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative, the Plug and Play System is
9th Dec 2014
We’re Greening Our Thumb For A Greener Australia
In partnership with Carbon Neutral, Solargain is proud to have contributed to the establishment of 360 native trees and shrubs through the Turn Emissions Into Trees Program. To help drive a reduction in the planet’s carbon emissions, Solargain planted one tree for every 100kW of solar installed across their entire Australian network during 2013-14. So, who are Carbon Neutral? They’re a carbon solutions provider that assists organisations and individuals across Australia to minimise their impact on the environment. Working with organisations of all sizes, they measure, reduce and offset
1st Dec 2014
How To Choose A Hot Water System
If you’re wondering how to choose a hot water system for your home, then this blog is for you! Whilst it’s hard to imagine your bathroom, laundry and kitchen without heated water, actually deciding on what type of system to install can be a little tough. So, what are your options? There are three main types of hot water systems available – powered either by Gas, Electricity or Solar. Here are the pros and cons of each to help you choose which is best for you. Gas Hot Water Gas hot water systems are generally cheaper to run than their electric equivalents, and there are two main types of units

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