16th Apr 2020
5 questions to ask a solar company [Guide]
5 Questions to Ask a Solar Company [Guide] There’s no question about it solar is an investment. However, this investment can be justified when it lowers your electricity bills and reduces your home’s carbon footprint. Before you choose to go solar, it pays (literally) to research the right installer and products to safeguard your investment from costing you more than it should. To help you get the best value for money from your solar company (and system) we’ve listed 5 preliminary questions to get you started. 1. Does the product manufacturer/supplier have a presence in Australia? The
16th Apr 2020
Our 200km journey in an Electric Vehicle
Our Road Trip to Bunbury, Western Australia: Our destination was 200km away; a regional town called Bunbury. With a fully charged battery and a 300km driving range, we gathered the troops (and an irresponsible number of snacks) and set off. On the freeway the car was smooth and with 70km to Bunbury, and a 59% charge, we were pretty relaxed, chatting away as we ramped up to 110kph on cruise control. After a while we noticed we had made a mistake – there was 76km to go to reach Bunbury and we only had a charge of 32% which equates to a 77km driving range. This made us nervous to say the least
16th Apr 2020
Welcome to the Year of the Rat!
With Chinese New Year fast approaching we’d like to give a special shoutout to some of our favourite Chinese manufacturers and their stellar products. We couldn’t do this without them, after all, it’s their fantastic products that are providing so much solar goodness to homeowners right across Australia. Read on to learn more about some of our favourite Chinese manufactured solar products and how they could benefit your home. Huawei Since the company first opened its doors in 1987 in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, Huawei’s products have been famed for their reliability and consistency
16th Apr 2020
Ten things you can do to save the planet
Saving the environment might seem like a daunting task. We can’t all be environmental warriors, fighting rising carbon emissions and climate change, but with just a few small changes to your life, you can actually make a real difference for the environment. If everyone made an effort to take on board one of these small changes, we’d be making huge steps towards a greener, greater future. 1. Reduce the amount of paper in your life The junk mail you haven’t bothered to unsubscribe from. The bank statement you have mailed to you rather than emailed. Those long receipts from stores that can now be
16th Apr 2020
How do you know you're getting quality solar products
We pride ourselves on picking only the very best products to offer to all of our valued customers, ones we are confident that will stand the test of time and provide only the very best results

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