Some brands of solar DC isolator switches have been recalled by the Australian Government due to a newly discovered risk. The DC Isolator recalls are listed below.
Note: The recalled products below have not been supplied or installed by Solargain
As an advocate for safety within the solar industry, we ask that you take the precaution of checking your DC isolator to ensure it’s safe and doesn’t look like any of the below, which are all on the list of DC isolator recalls. The brand should be seen on the front cover of the isolator.
If in any doubt please shut the system down by following the inverter shutdown procedure available here and contact us to ensure it is safe to turn back on. We’ll be able to identify if it is indeed in need of recall, or if you require a DC isolator switch replacement.
If you or someone you know has one of these products currently installed, please be aware that it will need to be replaced as soon as possible
As part of our system health check we check all safety requirements during this appointment including DC isolators. We recommend you schedule maintenance once a year to ensure your system is performing as it should safely. To scheduled your system health check or if you have any further questions regarding your DC Isolators and their safety - please fill out the form below