The winter freeze has just about come to an end and now that spring is upon us, there’s (almost) no excuse to roll up your sleeves and get busy around your home.
Here are 5 ways to blow off the dust of winter and prepare your place for spring and the warmer months!
1. Breathe Easy With Clean Air
Now that the weather is heating up, chances are you’ll soon be reaching for the remote of your air-conditioning unit. The only problem is that most units lay dormant all throughout winter, collecting plenty of dust, germs and allergens in the process. Before using your air-con, clean the exterior thoroughly, including the vents, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If you’re able to easily and safely access the filter and clean it, we’d recommend you do that too. If you can’t, consider calling a qualified technician to clean and service the interior of your unit before use.
2. Service Your Solar Power System
Solar power systems love spring, as typically spring weather conditions provide the perfect balance of sunlight and heat for your unit to thrive. But do your solar power system a favour and get it serviced, especially if you haven’t done so already this year.
During a solar power service, Solargain technicians not only check that your system is operating safely, but also clean your solar panels, removing dust and grime collected over winter. It’s the cheapest and easiest way maximise your electricity savings over spring and summer – click here for more information.
3. Beat The Allergens
Watery eyes, itchy throat, fuzzy head and constant sneezing – does this sound like you?
Spring may mean the end of winter, but for about one in seven Australians it also means the start of hayfever. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do around the house to avoid or reduce hayfever. Start by removing all the dust in your house. From Cats and dogs moult more during spring and summer – regular brushing, baths and vacuuming your pet’s favourite sleeping areas will help. To reduce pollens, keep your windows closed on windy, high-allergen days and keep your hands away from your eyes and nose, especially if you’ve been outside!
4. Get Your Mind In The Gutter
Spring is the perfect time (for you, or a professional) to check for loose, leaky and clogged-up gutters. Though it’s easy to forget about your gutters, you’ll certainly know about it if they’re left unchecked and things go wrong. Problem gutters can result in flooded ceilings, damaged roof timbers, saturation of the internal walls, damaged ceilings and in some severe cases fire outbreaks.
5. Readjust Your Hot Water System
You probably know that heating water in your house is (often) the most energy-intensive process you carry out.
In spring and summer, our desire for steaming hot showers is reduced, so it makes sense to turn down the temperature of your hot water. This not only saves money, but cuts emissions too. Lowering your thermostat between 50 and 60 degrees is recommended. Some water heaters can be directly controlled using switches, while others can only be adjusted by a licensed electrician/plumber, such as those at Solargain.