15th Sep 2021
How to plan for solar when building a home
Building a new home is an exciting yet challenging process. Researching the best suburbs, finding the perfect block of land, choosing the right builder and the seemingly endless decisions about colours, fittings and furnishings - so many things to consider! Have you included solar power on your list? If you're thinking about installing solar power in your new home (either as part of the build or later on) we highly recommend you start planning for it now. The following tips will save you money, time and regrets later on, by getting your solar installation right, from the start. Lay of the land
7th Sep 2021
Proud Sponsors of the ANU Solar Car
The Bridgestone World Solar Challenge The Bridgestone World Solar Challenge is an amazing, biennial competition which sees teams from across the globe competing to traverse Australia north to south, starting in Darwin, with a finish line in Adelaide. 40 teams from 30 different countries traverse 3022 km in vehicles powered by the sun’s rays. The BWSC offers the chance for universities such as Australian National University and Cambridge, as well as technological institutions and private enterprises such as MIT and Volkswagen to pit themselves against one another and the elements. Innovation

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