Submitted by Andrew on Tue, 18/08/2015 - 11:25
australia prefers solar enegry


Australia Still Prefers Solar Energy!

Australians want more solar energy, less coal and the vast majority think global warming should be taken more seriously – these are the most significant findings from The Climate Institute’s annual Climate of the Nation Review.

Each year for almost a decade, The Climate Institute has produced the Climate of the Nation Review. It surveys more than 1000 respondents to determine the country’s mood in regards to climate change and our attitude towards energy production.

According to The Climate Institute Chief Executive John Connor, this year’s results demonstrate an increasing concern about the damaging effects of climate change, as well as an almost unanimous push towards renewable energy sources.

‘The government and the opposition have an opportunity to join mainstream Australian attitudes with climate commitments and policies, which can limit carbon pollution, encourage renewable energy and clean up our energy system,’ he said in a statement.

Takeaways from the 2015 report:

  • Solar was the most preferred energy source for Australia: when presented with eight sources to choose from, 84 per cent of respondents placed solar energy within their top three preferred options. This is up two points from last year.
  • Women are solar energy’s strongest supporters, with 86 per cent ranking it as their top choice compared to 81 per cent of men.
  • 63 per cent of people thought the issue of climate change should be given more weight, a six per cent rise since last year.
  • Generation Y was most in favour, with 70 per cent of those between 18-34 believing more needs to be done to prevent climate change.

In a year which has seen renewable energy targets wound back, and attacks on wind power from the Prime Minister, support for both solar and wind in Australia’s preferred energy mix has grown – a powerful and greatly influencing response.

Further, the report has found that 71 per cent (up one point) think that that tackling climate change creates new opportunities in renewable energy.

Now it’s over to Government to develop policy that better reflects the public’s views on renewable energy.

In turn, stronger policy in the favour of renewables allows investors to inject money into the industry with greater confidence, resulting in solar energy solutions that are not only more powerful and efficient, but more accessible for homeowners all around Australia.

The people have spoken – are you ready to join them?

Get in touch with one of our solar energy specialists to discover how making your own clean solar energy daily could slash your energy bills for good.

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