Submitted by Andrew on Tue, 29/03/2016 - 09:25
earth hour

This year Earth Hour was on Saturday March 19 and a record number of countries and territories switched off some of their brightest landmarks in support.

As grim reports continue to flood in surrounding the Earth’s rising temperature and the damage it’s causing, a show of support for climate action is not only important, but essential to our future. Just recently scientists claimed a ‘climate emergency’ off the back of record heat around the globe in February – indeed, the time for the world’s countries to make good on promises made at the Paris Conference is now.

But back to Earth Hour.

A WWF initiative, Earth Hour isn’t just for big cities. The event encourages all individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights between 8:30 and 9:30pm in their local time. The notion of switching off is symbolic of our united mission to preserve the planet and be more efficient with resources. You may be surprised to know that Earth Hour actually started right here in our own backyard in 2007 when Sydney famously turned off its lights.

In 2016 more than 178 countries and territories participated in the event with the lights of over 400 famous landmarks being switched off or dimmed for 60 minutes. Some of the more famous ones included the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House, the city lights of Shanghai, the Eiffel Tower, London’s Big Ben and New York’s Time Square.

In a statement shortly after the event, Siddarth Das, the Executive Director of Earth Hour Global said ‘The past 24 hours have shown us yet again the impact we can achieve when we unite for a cause… Every light switch turned off represents a call to switch on our collective power and be the first line of defense for our planet as we form the frontlines of climate change.’

It’s a sentiment we couldn’t agree with more.

For tips about what you can do to help conserve the planet check out our blog Simple Things You Can Do To Help Save The Planet... and for more information about Earth Hour, head to the official website.


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